This site is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Some pages are still in the old layout, and there's quite a bit missing right now!

06/23/24 | Messing around to try and make the site... at least a tiny bit more mobile-friendly? It really is gonna require a whole overhault though hhghgh. Outside of that, replacing some images, got the Unit Info page up(at least its current form), and Syntharia page up too. Gonna work on the Kaisland page on Toyhouse next, then bring them here.

03/19/24 | Hahh-- as mentioned, got the worlds pages kind of started. Also, progress for my has been slow and steady, but good! There really is the problem of wondering how much to say or not, though...

01/26/24 | Helloooo!! Apologies for the lack of updates, my focus just bounces back and forth between things! While I don't have anything new on this site yet, I have been working to first get my all updated! Which.... is slow going, but hey! It's going! Check it out if you want?

My plans in regards to this site is-- when I DO get back to it, I'm going to work on the world page first. Get that worldbuilding actually more set up and all. That being said, if I wind up tweaking how the site looks in general in the meantime.... don't be surprised.